import pyautogui
import time
import random
print "Randomized Mouse Started."
destx = 444;
desty = 631;
x, y = pyautogui.position() # Current Position
moves = random.randint(2,4)
pixelsx = destx-x
pixelsy = desty-y
if moves >= 4:
moves = random.randint(2,4)
avgpixelsx = pixelsx/moves
avgpixelsy = pixelsy/moves
print "Pixels to be moved X: ", pixelsx," Y: ",pixelsy, "Number of mouse movements: ", moves, "Avg Move X: ", avgpixelsx, " Y: ", avgpixelsy
while moves > 0:
offsetx = (avgpixelsx+random.randint(-8, random.randint(5,10)));
offsety = (avgpixelsy+random.randint(-8, random.randint(5,10)));
print x + offsetx, y + offsety, moves
pyautogui.moveTo(x + offsetx, y + offsety, duration=0.2)
moves = moves-1
avgpixelsx = pixelsx / moves
avgpixelsy = pixelsy / moves
import pyautogui
import random
import numpy as np
import time
from scipy import interpolate
import math
def point_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2):
return math.sqrt((x2 - x1) ** 2 + (y2 - y1) ** 2)
cp = random.randint(3, 5) # Number of control points. Must be at least 2.
x1, y1 = pyautogui.position() # Starting position
# Distribute control points between start and destination evenly.
x = np.linspace(x1, x2, num=cp, dtype='int')
y = np.linspace(y1, y2, num=cp, dtype='int')
# Randomise inner points a bit (+-RND at most).
RND = 10
xr = [random.randint(-RND, RND) for k in range(cp)]
yr = [random.randint(-RND, RND) for k in range(cp)]
xr[0] = yr[0] = xr[-1] = yr[-1] = 0
x += xr
y += yr
# Approximate using Bezier spline.
degree = 3 if cp > 3 else cp - 1 # Degree of b-spline. 3 is recommended.
# Must be less than number of control points.
tck, u = interpolate.splprep([x, y], k=degree)
# Move upto a certain number of points
u = np.linspace(0, 1, num=2+int(point_dist(x1,y1,x2,y2)/50.0))
points = interpolate.splev(u, tck)
# Move mouse.
duration = 0.1
timeout = duration / len(points[0])
point_list=zip(*(i.astype(int) for i in points))
for point in point_list:
# Any duration less than this is rounded to 0.0 to instantly move the mouse.
pyautogui.MINIMUM_DURATION = 0 # Default: 0.1
# Minimal number of seconds to sleep between mouse moves.
pyautogui.MINIMUM_SLEEP = 0 # Default: 0.05
# The number of seconds to pause after EVERY public function call.
pyautogui.PAUSE = 0 # Default: 0.1
import pyautogui
import bezier
import numpy as np
# Disable pyautogui pauses (from DJV's answer)
pyautogui.MINIMUM_DURATION = 0
pyautogui.MINIMUM_SLEEP = 0
pyautogui.PAUSE = 0
# We'll wait 5 seconds to prepare the starting position
start_delay = 5
print("Drawing curve from mouse in {} seconds.".format(start_delay))
# For this example we'll use four control points, including start and end coordinates
start = pyautogui.position()
end = start[0]+600, start[1]+200
# Two intermediate control points that may be adjusted to modify the curve.
control1 = start[0]+125, start[1]+100
control2 = start[0]+375, start[1]+50
# Format points to use with bezier
control_points = np.array([start, control1, control2, end])
points = np.array([control_points[:,0], control_points[:,1]]) # Split x and y coordinates
# You can set the degree of the curve here, should be less than # of control points
degree = 3
# Create the bezier curve
curve = bezier.Curve(points, degree)
# You can also create it with using Curve.from_nodes(), which sets degree to len(control_points)-1
# curve = bezier.Curve.from_nodes(points)
curve_steps = 50 # How many points the curve should be split into. Each is a separate pyautogui.moveTo() execution
delay = 1/curve_steps # Time between movements. 1/curve_steps = 1 second for entire curve
# Move the mouse
for i in range(1, curve_steps+1):
# The evaluate method takes a float from [0.0, 1.0] and returns the coordinates at that point in the curve
# Another way of thinking about it is that i/steps gets the coordinates at (100*i/steps) percent into the curve
x, y = curve.evaluate(i/curve_steps)
pyautogui.moveTo(x, y) # Move to point in curve
pyautogui.sleep(delay) # Wait delay
会让你鼠标到达(300,300),然后永远不要change.look实现,它只是调用WIN32 apimouse_event
while True:
pos = (random.randrange(*x_bound),random.randrange(*y_bound))
看,这就是动画的秘密。您只需编写一条pos=draw\u bezier\u曲线(t)