function everything_in_tags($string, $tagname)
$pattern = "#<\s*?$tagname\b[^>]*>(.*?)</$tagname\b[^>]*>#s";
preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches);
return $matches[1];
$tagname = "h3";
$string = "<h1>This is my title</h1>
<p>This is a text right under my h1 title.</p>
<p>This is some more text under my h1 title</p>
<h2>This is my level 2 heading</h2>
<p>This is text right under my level 2 heading</p>
<h3>First h3</h3>
<p>First paragraph for the first h3</p>
<h3>Second h3</h3>
<p>First paragraph for the second h3</p>
<h3>Third h3</h3>
<p>First paragraph for the third h3</p>
<p>Second paragraph for the third h3</p>
<h2>This is my level 2 heading</h2>
<p>This is text right under my level 2 heading</p>";
//OUTPUT: First h3
echo everything_in_tags($string, $tagname);
foreach ($headings as $heading && $paragraphs as $paragraph) {
echo "<h3>".$heading."</h3>";
echo "<p>".$paragraph."</p>";
//Expected output:
//<h3>First h3</h3>
//<p>First paragraph for the first h3</p>
//<h3>Second h3</h3>
//<p>First paragraph for the second h3</p>
//<h3>Third h3</h3>
//<p>First paragraph for the third h3</p>
$html = <<<TAG
<h1>This is my title</h1>
<p>This is a text right under my h1 title.</p>
<p>This is some more text under my h1 title</p>
<h2>This is my level 2 heading</h2>
<p>This is text right under my level 2 heading</p>
<h3>First h3</h3>
<p>First paragraph for the first h3</p>
<h3>Second h3</h3>
<p>First paragraph for the second h3</p>
<h3>Third h3</h3>
<p>First paragraph for the third h3</p>
<p>Second paragraph for the third h3</p>
<h2>This is my level 2 heading</h2>
<p>This is text right under my level 2 heading</p>
$dom = new DomDocument();
// Load the HTML, don't worry about it being a fragment
$xpath = new DOMXPath($dom);
// Grab all H3 tags. This might need to be adjusted if there's more to the depth
$results = $xpath->query("//h3");
foreach ($results as $result) {
var_dump(sprintf('<h3>%1$s</h3>', $result->textContent));
// See if the next element is a P tag
$next = $result->nextElementSibling;
if ($next && 'p' === $next->nodeName) {
var_dump(sprintf('<p>%1$s</p>', $next->textContent));
string(17) "<h3>First h3</h3>"
string(39) "<p>First paragraph for the first h3</p>"
string(18) "<h3>Second h3</h3>"
string(40) "<p>First paragraph for the second h3</p>"
string(17) "<h3>Third h3</h3>"
string(39) "<p>First paragraph for the third h3</p>"