我有。csv文件(abc.csv,def.csv等。。) 在目录中,我想计数每一个文件中的行,并保存有名称列和计数列的单个文件。 我的预期输出如下:
df = name count
abc ....
def ....
ghi ....
我正在做一些像下面这样的事情来获得计数,但不能在数据帧中隐蔽。 请建议。
import os
path = '/some/path/to/file'
for filename in os.listdir(path):
with open(filename, 'r', encoding="latin-1") as fileObj:
# -1 to exclude the header
print("Rows Counted {} in the csv {}:".format(len(fileObj.readlines()) - 1, filename))
import os
import pandas as pd
path = '/some/path/to/file'
names, counts = [], []
for filename in os.listdir(path):
with open(filename, 'r', encoding="latin-1") as fileObj:
# -1 to exclude the header
counts.append(len(fileObj.readlines()) - 1)
df = pd.DataFrame({'name': names, 'count': counts})
from pathlib import Path
import pandas as pd
path_to_csv = 'your\\dir'
file_info = pd.DataFrame( {file.name :
pd.read_csv(file).shape for file in Path(path_to_csv).glob('*.csv')})\
.T.rename(columns={0 : 'rows', 1 : 'columns'})
rows columns
01_02_20.csv 3 3
01_28_20.csv 3 4
12_02_19.csv 77 10
12_09_19.csv 86 7