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<Title>Clark Fennell's Website</title>
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<p class="heading">CLARK FENNELL</p>
<p class="heading2">WEBSITE</p>
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<div id="word" class="small-heading">UX/UI DESIGNER</div>
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$('#aboutme').click( function() {
$('#content-reveal').fadeOut( 500, function() {
$('#content-reveal').html( '<div class="maindiv"><h2>ABOUT ME</h2><br><p>Age: 29<br>Location: Leeds<br><br>I am a developer specialising in HTML, CSS, JAVA, JaveScript, SQL, Command Line, Ruby and many more.<br><br>I am also well equpit at using Adobe programs, such as, PhotoShop, Dreamweaver, Illistrator, InDesign, and other software as well.<br><br>I like to board and video games, watching indepentdant professional wrestling & a nice cup of tea.</p></div>' );
$('#content-reveal').fadeIn( 500 );
} );
} );
$('#myhtmlcss').click( function() {
$('#content-reveal').fadeOut( 500, function() {
$('#content-reveal').html( '<div class="maindiv"><h2>HTML & CSS</h2><br><p>This site is just one example of my HTML, CSS & SCSS skills. The code for this website, plus plenty of other examples, are on my <a href="https://www.github.com/clarkfennell">GITHUB</a>.</p></div>' );
$('#content-reveal').fadeIn( 500 );
} );
} );
$('#myjscript').click( function() {
$('#content-reveal').fadeOut( 500, function() {
$('#content-reveal').html( '<div class="maindiv"><h2>JAVASCRIPT</h2><br><p>Below is a a Random Colour Generator created with JavaScript code. The code for this is located on my <a href="Https://github.com/clarkfennell/Random-Color-Generator-React-JS-Example">GITHUB</a></p><p>For more JavaScript, JQuery and AngularJS, please visit my <a href="https://www.github.com/clarkfennell">GITHUB</a>.</p></div>' );
$('#content-reveal').fadeIn( 500 );
} );
} );
$('#mycv').click( function() {
$('#content-reveal').fadeOut( 500, function() {
$('#content-reveal').html( '<div class="maindiv"><h2>MY CV</h2><br><img src="/images/NEWCVClarkFennell.jpg"></div>' );
$('#content-reveal').fadeIn( 500 );
} );
} );
$('#mycv').click( function() {
$('#content-reveal').fadeOut( 500, function() {
$('#content-reveal').html( '<div class="maindiv"><h2>CONTACT</h2></div>' );
$('#content-reveal').fadeIn( 500 );
} );
} );
} );
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<li class="Nav-item" id="aboutme">ABOUT ME</li>
<li class="Nav-item" id="myhtmlcss">HTML & CSS</li>
<li class="Nav-item is-active" id="myjscript">JAVASCRIPT</li>
<li class="Nav-item" id="mycv">MY CV</li>
<li class="Nav-item" id="contactme">CONTACT</li>
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