var Name = [
['ABCD1234', '555123456'],
['EFGH5678', '111234111'],
['GHIJ9101', '222345222']
$(Name).ready( function() {
$(Name).each( function(index, item) {
var option = ('<option value="'+item+'"></option>');
我想在Datalist ID中的选项值中添加数组的第一个元素,还想根据数组的第二个元素更改第二个输入框值的值。
const options = [
['DL01GB2355', '555123456'],
['HR38K1350', '111234111'],
['HR38M4985', '222345222']
// Its is showing both the Option but selecting only one may be because it's an input ID not a Select ID
jQuery( function($){
const HTMLOptions = options.reduce((html, item) => (html += `<option value="${item[0]}">${item[1]}</option>`, html), "");
//not working
.on('change', function() {
$("label:contains('Driver Mobile No')").parent().next().find('input').val(this.value);
const options = [
["ABCD1234", "555123456"],
["EFGH5678", "111234111"],
["GHIJ9101", "222345222"]
jQuery( function($) { // DOM ready and $ alias in scope
// Create a HTMLString using Array.prototype.reduce()
const HTMLOptions = options.reduce((html, item) => {
html += `<option value="${item[1]}">${item[0]}</option>`;
return html;
}, "");
// Append the generated Options and assign a change listener
.on("change", function() {
.trigger("change"); // Initialize!
<select id="GZB" name="GZB"></select>
<input id="GZB_selected" name="GZB_selected" type="text">
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>