
root命名空间被添加到<xade: SignedProperties>中

库:apache Santuario xades4j。



<ClinicalDocument xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3">


    858  WARN  [main] org.apache.xml.security.signature.Reference     - Verification failed for URI "#xmldsig-5fb20abe-b14c-4d84-a908-e22e776cd6f1-signedprops"
    858  WARN  [main] org.apache.xml.security.signature.Reference     - Expected Digest: q0WnWFf9j0kcT46t5cXmcPnVvu5o51oAcmej/SjCazQ=
    858  WARN  [main] org.apache.xml.security.signature.Reference     - Actual Digest: 41zXKVkRCsxUYpNZXW5b9KkZlTC9LM9WA8O7WHQz1Rg=

    xades4j.verification.ReferenceValueException: Reference '#xmldsig-5fb20abe-b14c-4d84-a908-e22e776cd6f1-signedprops' cannot be validated

原因是XML命名空间(urn: hl7-org:v3)被添加到xade:SignedProperties中,然后摘要变得不同。

858  DEBUG [main] org.apache.xml.security.utils.DigesterOutputStream     - Pre-digested input
858  DEBUG [main] org.apache.xml.security.utils.DigesterOutputStream   - <xades:SignedProperties xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" ........./>


    XadesTSigningProfile profile = new XadesTSigningProfile(keyProvider);

    XadesSigner signer = profile.newSigner();   

    DataObjectDesc obj1 = new DataObjectReference("")
    .withTransform(new ExclusiveCanonicalXMLWithoutComments())
    .withTransform( new XPathTransform(xPath);

    SignedDataObjects dataObjs = new SignedDataObjects().withSignedDataObject(obj1);

changed 2012-11-20 begin

//  signer.sign(dataObjs, docToSign.getDocumentElement() ); 
       new Enveloped(signer).sign(docToSign.getDocumentElement());

changed 2012-11-20 end


NodeList signatureNodeList = getSigElement(getDocument("my/my-document.signed.bes.countersign.xml"));

for (int i = 0; i < signatureNodeList.getLength(); i++) {
    Element signatureNode = (Element) signatureNodeList.item(i);
    verifySignature(signatureNode, new XadesVerificationProfile(VerifierTestBase.validationProviderMySigs));
    log.info("successful validation");          

public static XAdESForm verifySignature(Element sigElem,
            XadesVerificationProfile p) throws Exception {
        XAdESVerificationResult res = p.newVerifier().verify(sigElem, null);

        return res.getSignatureForm();

看起来在Apache SantuarioFAQ中有一个关于这个问题的文档,

2.6. I sign a document and when I try to verify using the same key, it fails
After you have created the XMLSignature object, before you sign the document, you must embed the signature element in the owning document (using a call to XMLSignature.getElement() to retrieve the newly created Element node from the signature) before calling the XMLSignature.sign() method,

During canonicalisation of the SignedInfo element, the library looks at the parent and ancestor nodes of the Signature element to find any namespaces that the SignedInfo node has inherited. Any that are found are embedded in the canonical form of the SignedInfo. (This is not true when Exclusive Canonicalisation is used, but it is still good practice to insert the element node prior to the sign() method being called).

If you have not embedded the signature node in the document, it will not have any parent or ancestor nodes, so it will not inherit their namespaces. If you then embed it in the document and call verify(), the namespaces will be found and the canonical form of SignedInfo will be different to that generated during sign().





here is how to get the docToSign . in fact , i just reused the code in class  SignatureServicesTestBase . so i am sure that it is namespaceaware. 
           DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
           db = dbf.newDocumentBuilder();
 public static Document getDocument(String fileName) throws Exception
        String path = toPlatformSpecificXMLDirFilePath(fileName);
        Document doc = db.parse(new FileInputStream(path));
        // Apache Santuario now uses Document.getElementById; use this convention for tests.
        Element elem = doc.getDocumentElement();
        return doc;

and docToSign  is return by calling SignatureServicesTestBase.getDocument()

Document docToSign = SignatureServicesTestBase.getDocument("my/cdamessage.xml"); 


<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>
<ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="http://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmlenc#sha256"/>

此外,我使用xpath获取要签名的元素,并且命名空间(xmlns="urn: hl7-org:v3")也添加到结果中。

543  DEBUG [main] org.apache.xml.security.utils.ElementProxy     - setElement("ds:Transform", "null")
544  DEBUG [main] org.apache.xml.security.utils.ElementProxy     - setElement("dsig-xpath:XPath", "null")
658  DEBUG [main] org.apache.xml.security.utils.DigesterOutputStream     - Pre-digested input:
658  DEBUG [main] org.apache.xml.security.utils.DigesterOutputStream     - <component xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v3" Id="ES" contextConductionInd="true" typeCode="COMP">
        <section classCode="DOCSECT" moodCode="EVN">
          <code code="ES" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.1" codeSystemName="SectionCode" codeSystemVersion="1.0" displayName="english"></code>







DataObjectDesc obj1 = new DataObjectReference("")
.withTransform(new EnvelopedSignatureTransform())
.withTransform(new ExclusiveCanonicalXMLWithoutComments())