import os
import pandas as pd
['wind-diciembre.xls', 'stat_noviembre.xls', 'stat_marzo.xls', 'wind-noviembre.xls', 'wind-enero.xls', 'stat_octubre.xls', 'wind-septiembre.xls', 'stat_septiembre.xls', 'wind-febrero.xls', 'wind-marzo.xls', 'wind-julio.xls', 'wind-octubre.xls', 'stat_diciembre.xls', 'stat_julio.xls', 'wind-junio.xls', 'stat_abril.xls', 'stat_enero.xls', 'stat_junio.xls', 'stat_agosto.xls', 'stat_febrero.xls', 'wind-abril.xls', 'wind-agosto.xls']
Fecha HR PreciAcu RadSolar T Presion Tmax HRmax \
01/01/2011 37 0 162 18.5 0 31.2 86
02/01/2011 70 0 58 12.0 0 14.6 95
03/01/2011 62 0 188 15.3 0 24.9 86
04/01/2011 69 0 181 17.0 0 29.2 97
Presionmax RadSolarmax Tmin HRmin Presionmin
0 0 774 12.3 9 0
1 0 314 9.2 52 0
2 0 713 8.3 32 0
3 0 730 7.7 26 0
Fecha MagV MagMax Rachas MagRes DirRes DirWind
01/08/2011 00:00 4.3 14.1 17.9 1.0 281.3 ONO
02/08/2011 00:00 4.2 15.7 20.6 1.5 28.3 NNE
03/08/2011 00:00 4.6 23.3 25.6 2.9 49.2 ENE
04/08/2011 00:00 4.8 17.9 23.0 2.0 30.5 NNE
for f in files:
print data1
for sheet in data1:
Fecha MagV MagMax Rachas MagRes DirRes DirWind
01/08/2011 00:00 4.3 14.1 17.9 1.0 281.3 ONO
02/08/2011 00:00 4.2 15.7 20.6 1.5 28.3 NNE
03/08/2011 00:00 4.6 23.3 25.6 2.9 49.2 ENE
04/08/2011 00:00 4.8 17.9 23.0 2.0 30.5 NNE
05/08/2011 00:00 6.0 22.5 26.3 4.4 68.7 ENE
06/08/2011 00:00 4.9 23.8 23.0 3.3 57.3 ENE
07/08/2011 00:00 3.4 12.9 20.2 1.6 104.0 ESE
08/08/2011 00:00 4.0 20.5 22.4 2.6 79.1 ENE
09/08/2011 00:00 4.1 22.4 25.8 2.9 74.1 ENE
10/08/2011 00:00 4.6 18.4 24.0 2.3 52.1 ENE
11/08/2011 00:00 5.0 22.3 27.8 3.3 65.0 ENE
12/08/2011 00:00 5.4 24.9 25.6 4.1 78.7 ENE
13/08/2011 00:00 5.3 26.0 31.7 4.5 79.7 ENE
14/08/2011 00:00 5.9 31.7 29.2 4.5 59.5 ENE
15/08/2011 00:00 6.3 23.0 25.1 4.6 70.8 ENE
16/08/2011 00:00 6.3 19.5 30.8 4.8 64.0 ENE
17/08/2011 00:00 5.2 21.2 25.3 3.9 57.5 ENE
18/08/2011 00:00 5.0 22.3 23.7 2.6 59.4 ENE
19/08/2011 00:00 4.4 21.6 27.5 2.4 57.0 ENE
首先,这些文件中似乎有一些不同的数据集。您可能希望它们都在一个数据帧中,但现在,我假设您希望它们分开。Ex(一个数据帧中的所有wind*.xls文件和另一个数据帧中的所有stat*.xls文件。)您可以使用read\u excel
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd, datetime as dt
import glob, os
runDir = "Path to files"
if os.getcwd() != runDir:
files = glob.glob("wind*.xls")
df = pd.DataFrame()
for each in files:
sheets = pd.ExcelFile(each).sheet_names
for sheet in sheets:
df = df.append(pd.read_excel(each, sheet, index_col='Fecha'))
您现在有一个时间索引的数据帧!如果您真的希望在一个数据框中包含所有数据(来自所有文件类型),您可以使用类似于glob.glob('*. xls')
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd, datetime as dt
import glob, os
import sys
runDir = r'c:\blah\blah'
if os.getcwd() != runDir:
files = glob.glob(r'*.*xls*')
df = pd.DataFrame()
#fno is 0, 1, 2, ... (for each file)
for fno, each in enumerate(files):
sheets = pd.ExcelFile(each).sheet_names
# sno iss 0, 1, 2, ... (for each sheet)
for sno, sheet in enumerate(sheets):
FileNo = 'F' + str(fno) #F0, F1, F2, etc.
SheetNo = 'S' + str(sno) #S0, S1, S2, etc.
# print FileNo, SheetNo, each, sheet #debug info
#header = None if you don't want header or take this out.
#dfxl is dataframe of each xl sheet
dfxl = pd.read_excel(each, sheet, header=None)
#add column of FileNo and SheetNo to the dataframe
dfxl['FileNo'] = FileNo
dfxl['SheetNo'] = SheetNo
#now add the current xl sheet to main dataframe
df = df.append(dfxl)
在做了以上工作之后。。i、 e.将多个XL文件和工作表读入单个数据帧(df)。。。你可以这样做。。要从每个文件中获取示例行,请选择“图纸组合”。。示例将在数据帧(dfs1)中提供。
#get unique FileNo and SheetNo in dft2
dft2 = df.loc[0,['FileNo', 'SheetNo']]
#empty dataframe to collect sample from each of the read file/sheets
dfs1 = pd.DataFrame()
#loop through each sheet and fileno names
for row in dft2.itertuples():
#get a sample from each file to view
dfts = df[(df.FileNo == row[1]) & (df.SheetNo ==row[2])].sample(1)
#append the 1 sample to dfs1. this will have a sample row
# from each xl sheet and file
dfs1 = dfs1.append(dfts, ignore_index = True)