foreach (var day in EachDay(GetDateTimeForFirstObservation(animalObservations),
Console.WriteLine("Day: {0}", day.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"));
foreach (var location in EachLocation(animalObservations
.Where(ao => ao.Datetime.Day == day.Day).ToList()))
Console.WriteLine("Location: {0}", location);
numOfAllAnimalsInLocationAndDay = animalObservations
.Where(aob => aob.Location == location &&
aob.Datetime.Date == day).Count();
numOfMammalsAnimalsInLocationAndDay = animalObservations
.Where(aob => aob.Location == location &&
aob.Datetime.Date == day && aob.Animal.IsMammal).Count();
Console.WriteLine("Percentage of Mammals in location and day: {0:N2}%",
numOfMammalsAnimalsInLocationAndDay/numOfAllAnimalsInLocationAndDay * 100);
{"DateTime":"2020-02-22 10:10:15", "Location":"Backyard", "Animal": {"Species":"Camel", "IsMammal": "TRUE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-22 11:10:15", "Location":"Backyard", "Animal": {"Species":"Camel", "IsMammal": "TRUE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-22 12:10:15", "Location":"Backyard", "Animal": {"Species":"Ant", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-22 22:10:15", "Location":"Sky", "Animal": {"Species":"Flamingo", "IsMammal": "TRUE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-22 23:10:15", "Location":"Sky", "Animal": {"Species":"Bee", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-23 13:11:15", "Location":"City", "Animal": {"Species":"Racoon", "IsMammal": "TRUE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-24 15:10:00", "Location":"City", "Animal": {"Species":"Dog", "IsMammal": "TRUE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-24 19:10:00", "Location":"City", "Animal": {"Species":"Fly", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-24 19:10:15", "Location":"City", "Animal": {"Species":"Butterfly", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-24 19:10:20", "Location":"City", "Animal": {"Species":"Cat", "IsMammal": "TRUE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-24 19:10:30", "Location":"City", "Animal": {"Species":"Flee", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-25 21:10:15", "Location":"Village", "Animal": {"Species":"Horse", "IsMammal": "TRUE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-25 22:10:15", "Location":"Village", "Animal": {"Species":"Fly", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-25 23:10:15", "Location":"Village", "Animal": {"Species":"Bee", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}},
{"DateTime":"2020-02-25 10:10:15", "Location":"Home", "Animal": {"Species":"Iguana", "IsMammal": "FALSE"}}
Day: 22.02.2020
Location: Backyard
Percentage of Mammals in location and day: 66,67%
Location: Sky
Percentage of Mammals in location and day: 50,00%
Day: 23.02.2020
Location: City
Percentage of Mammals in location and day: 100,00%
Day: 24.02.2020
Location: City
Percentage of Mammals in location and day: 40,00%
Day: 25.02.2020
Location: Village
Percentage of Mammals in location and day: 33,33%
Location: Home
Percentage of Mammals in location and day: 0,00%
public class AnimalObservation {
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public Animal Animal { get; set; }
public class Animal {
public string Species { get; set; }
public bool IsMammal { get; set; }
IDictionary<ValueTuple<DateTime, string>, int> animals = new Dictionary<ValueTuple<DateTime, string>, int>(new DayLocationComparer());
IDictionary<ValueTuple<DateTime, string>, int> mammals = new Dictionary<ValueTuple<DateTime, string>, int>(new DayLocationComparer());
foreach (AnimalObservation ao in aos) {
ValueTuple<DateTime, string> dayLocation = new ValueTuple<DateTime, string>(ao.DateTime, ao.Location);
if (!animals.ContainsKey(dayLocation)) {
animals.Add(dayLocation, 1);
} else {
animals[dayLocation] = animals[dayLocation] + 1;
if (!mammals.ContainsKey(dayLocation) && ao.Animal.IsMammal) {
mammals.Add(dayLocation, 1);
} else if (!mammals.ContainsKey(dayLocation) && !ao.Animal.IsMammal) {
mammals.Add(dayLocation, 0);
} else if (mammals.ContainsKey(dayLocation) && ao.Animal.IsMammal) {
animals[dayLocation] = animals[dayLocation] + 1;
foreach (ValueTuple<DateTime, string> dayLocation in animals.Keys) {
int nrOfAnimals = animals[dayLocation];
int nrOfMammals = mammals[dayLocation];
Console.WriteLine((double)nrOfMammals / nrOfAnimals * 100);
public class DayLocationComparer : EqualityComparer<ValueTuple<DateTime, string>> {
public override bool Equals(ValueTuple<DateTime, string> x, ValueTuple<DateTime, string> y) => x.Item1.Date == y.Item1.Date && x.Item2 == y.Item2;
public override int GetHashCode(ValueTuple<DateTime, string> x) => x.Item1.GetHashCode();
有很多真正疯狂的技巧来降低时间复杂度,但大多数时候处理数据时,您必须依赖于数据的初始排序方式。 如果它没有被排序,我们可以通过某个复合键来排序。 在您的示例中,关键字是tuple
,其中Item1是日期的日期,Item2是位置。 这将需要n*log(n),然后使用线性时间遍历数据,使用线性时间生成结果。
所以看着你的数据,它已经被分类了。 所以我们可以跳过那部分直接走过去。 基本思想,我们初始化一些状态,如果它改变了,我们就会产生结果。 在我们的案例中,状态是当前的日子,当前的位置,我们跟踪两个变量的信息总的动物,总的哺乳动物。
public static void PrintPopulation(List<AnimalObservations> animalObservations)
if (animalObservations.Count == 0)
var item = animalObservations[0];
string currentLocation = item.Location;
DateTime currentDate = item.DateTime.Date;
int totalAnimals = 1;
int totalMammals = item.Animal.IsMammal ? 1 : 0;
for (int i = 1; i < animalObservations.Count; i++)
item = animalObservations[i];
if (currentLocation != item.Location ||
currentDate != item.DateTime.Date)
PrintResult(currentDate, currentLocation, totalAnimals, totalMammals);
totalMammals = 0;
totalAnimals = 0;
currentLocation = item.Location;
currentDate = item.DateTime.Date;
totalMammals += item.Animal.IsMammal ? 1 : 0;
PrintResult(currentDate, currentLocation, totalAnimals, totalMammals);
public static void PrintResult(DateTime date, string location, int totalAnimals, int totalMammals)
Console.WriteLine($"{date} {location} {(double) totalMammals / totalAnimals}");
public class AnimalObservations
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public Animal Animal { get; set; }
public class Animal
public bool IsMammal { get; set; }
请尝试下面的代码。 您将需要将靠近顶部的字符串常量指向JSON文件的位置。 您还需要将NewtonSoft JSON库添加到项目中。 注意,我重写了用作字典键类型的类中的Equals和GetHashCode方法。
namespace Mammals
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using Newtonsoft.Json.Linq;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
const string filePath = "C:\\temp\\mammals.json";
// Read input from JSON:
string jsonInput;
using (var file = new StreamReader(new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Open)))
jsonInput = file.ReadToEnd();
var json = JArray.Parse(jsonInput);
var sightings = json.Select(j => j.ToObject<Sighting>());
// Set up dictionary, using day/location as key:
var sightingDictionary = new Dictionary<SightingDayAndPlace, SightingCounter>();
// Loop through sightings in O(n):
foreach (var sighting in sightings)
var sightingTimeAndPlace = sighting.GetSightingDayAndPlace;
if (!sightingDictionary.ContainsKey(sightingTimeAndPlace))
sightingDictionary.Add(sightingTimeAndPlace, new SightingCounter());
if (sighting.IsMammal)
// Print output:
var currentDay = default(DateTime);
foreach (var item in sightingDictionary)
var key = item.Key;
if (key.Day != currentDay)
Console.WriteLine($"Day: {key.Day:dd.MM.yyyy}");
Console.WriteLine($"Location: {key.Location}");
Console.WriteLine($"Percentage of Mammals in location and day: {item.Value.MammalPercentage:F}%");
private class SightingDayAndPlace
public SightingDayAndPlace(DateTime day, string location)
this.Day = day;
this.Location = location;
public DateTime Day { get; }
public string Location { get; }
public override bool Equals(object obj)
if (obj == null || !(obj is SightingDayAndPlace that))
return false;
return this.Day == that.Day
&& this.Location == that.Location;
public override int GetHashCode()
// Consider a different implementation if memory or performance is relevant.
return new { this.Day, this.Location }.GetHashCode();
private class Sighting
public DateTime DateTime { get; set; }
public string Location { get; set; }
public Animal Animal { get; set; }
public string Species => Animal.Species;
public bool IsMammal => Animal.IsMammal;
public DateTime Day => DateTime.Date;
public SightingDayAndPlace GetSightingDayAndPlace => new SightingDayAndPlace(this.Day, this.Location);
private class Animal
public string Species { get; set; }
public bool IsMammal { get; set; }
private class SightingCounter
public int MammalCount { get; set; }
public int NonMammalCount { get; set; }
public double MammalPercentage => (MammalCount / ((double)MammalCount + NonMammalCount)) * 100;