/** Generate a random DAG using preferential attachment. First an independent set of <code>n0</code> nodes is generated.
* Then <code>n-n0</code> more nodes are generated: for each node, the outdegree is determined using <code>outdegreeDistribution.nextInt()</code>
* minimized with the number of existing nodes. For each arc, the target is the existing node <code>i</code> with probability proportional to
* <code>k+1</code> where <code>k</code> is <code>i</code>'s current outdegree.
* @param n number of nodes.
* @param n0 number of initial nodes.
* @param outdegreeDistribution distribution from which outdegrees are sampled.
* @param random generator used to produce the arcs.
* @return the generated DAG.
public static ArrayListMutableGraph preferentialAttachmentDAG(final int n, final int n0, final IntegerDistribution outdegreeDistribution, final RandomGenerator random) {
final ArrayListMutableGraph g = new ArrayListMutableGraph(n);
final FenwickTree ft = new FenwickTree(n);
// Initial independent set
for (int source = 0; source < n0; source++) ft.incrementCount(source + 1);
// Rest of the graph
final IntOpenHashSet s = new IntOpenHashSet();
for (int source = n0; source < n; source++) {
final int m = Math.min(outdegreeDistribution.sample(), source - 1); // Outdegree
while(s.size() < m) {
final int t = ft.sample(random);
if (s.add(t)) {
g.addArc(source, t - 1);
ft.incrementCount(source + 1);
return g;
public void testWrongBound() throws IOException, JSAPException {
// (0,1) (0,2) (0,3) (1,7)
ImmutableGraph graph1 = new XImmutableGraph(ImmutableGraph.wrap(new ArrayListMutableGraph(8, new int[][] { { 0, 1 }, { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 1, 7 } }).immutableView()), 4);
// (4,2) (4,3) (7,4) (7,6)
ImmutableGraph graph2 = new XImmutableGraph(ImmutableGraph.wrap(new ArrayListMutableGraph(8, new int[][] { { 0, 2 }, { 0, 3 }, { 3, 4 }, { 3, 6 } }).immutableView()), 4);
File ef1 = new File(dir, "graph1.ef");, 10, ef1.getAbsolutePath(), null);
File ef2 = new File(dir, "graph2.ef");, 8, ef2.getAbsolutePath(), null);
File result = new File(dir, "result-ef"); result.delete();
CatEFGraphs.main(new String[] { "-m", result.getAbsolutePath(), ef1.getAbsolutePath(), ef2.getAbsolutePath() });
/** Generates <code>np</code> call graphs. Each call graph is obtained using {@link #preferentialAttachmentDAG(int, int, IntegerDistribution, RandomGenerator)} (with
* specified initial graph size (<code>initialGraphSizeDistribution</code>), graph size (<code>graphSizeDistribution</code>), outdegree distribution (<code>outdegreeDistribution</code>).
* Then a dependency DAG is generated between the call graphs, once more using {@link #preferentialAttachmentDAG(int, int, IntegerDistribution, RandomGenerator)} (this
* time the initial graph size is 1, whereas the outdegree distribution is <code>outdegreeDistribution</code>).
* Then to each node of each call graph a new set of outgoing arcs is generated (their number is chosen using <code>externalOutdegreeDistribution</code>): the target
* call graph is generated using the indegree distribution of the dependency DAG; the target node is chosen according to the reverse indegree distribution within the revision call graph.
* @param np number of revision call graphs to be generated.
* @param graphSizeDistribution the distribution of the graph sizes (number of functions per call graph).
* @param initialGraphSizeDistribution the distribution of the initial graph sizes (the initial independent set from which the preferential attachment starts).
* @param outdegreeDistribution the distribution of internal outdegrees (number of internal calls per function).
* @param externalOutdegreeDistribution the distribution of external outdegrees (number of external calls per function).
* @param depExponent exponent of the Zipf distribution used to establish the dependencies between call graphs.
* @param random the random object used for the generation.
public void generate(final int np, final IntegerDistribution graphSizeDistribution, final IntegerDistribution initialGraphSizeDistribution,
final IntegerDistribution outdegreeDistribution, final IntegerDistribution externalOutdegreeDistribution, final IntegerDistribution dependencyOutdegreeDistribution, final RandomGenerator random) {
rcgs = new ArrayListMutableGraph[np];
nodePermutation = new int[np][];
final FenwickTree[] td = new FenwickTree[np];
deps = new IntOpenHashSet[np];
source2Targets = new ObjectOpenCustomHashSet[np];
// Generate rcg of the np revisions, and the corresponding reverse preferential distribution; cumsize[i] is the sum of all nodes in packages <i
for ( int i = 0; i < np; i++) {
deps[i] = new IntOpenHashSet();
final int n = graphSizeDistribution.sample();
final int n0 = Math.min(initialGraphSizeDistribution.sample(), n);
rcgs[i] = preferentialAttachmentDAG(n, n0, outdegreeDistribution, random);
td[i] = getPreferentialDistribution(rcgs[i].immutableView(), true);
nodePermutation[i] = Util.identity(n);
Collections.shuffle(IntArrayList.wrap(nodePermutation[i]), new Random(random.nextLong()));
// Generate the dependency DAG between revisions using preferential attachment starting from 1 node
final ArrayListMutableGraph depDAG = preferentialAttachmentDAG(np, 1, dependencyOutdegreeDistribution, random);
// For each source package, generate function calls so to cover all dependencies
for (int sourcePackage = 0; sourcePackage < np; sourcePackage++) {
source2Targets[sourcePackage] = new ObjectOpenCustomHashSet<>(IntArrays.HASH_STRATEGY);
final int outdegree = depDAG.outdegree(sourcePackage);
if (outdegree == 0) continue; // No calls needed (I'm kinda busy)
final int numFuncs = rcgs[sourcePackage].numNodes();
final int[] externalArcs = new int[numFuncs];
int allExternalArcs = 0;
// We decide how many calls to dispatch from each function
for (int sourceNode = 0; sourceNode < numFuncs; sourceNode++) allExternalArcs += (externalArcs[sourceNode] = externalOutdegreeDistribution.sample());
// We create a global list of external successors by shuffling
final int[] targetPackage = new int[allExternalArcs];
final int[] succ = depDAG.successorArray(sourcePackage);
for(int i = 0; i < outdegree; i++) deps[sourcePackage].add(succ[i]);
for(int i = 0; i < allExternalArcs; i++) targetPackage[i] = succ[i % outdegree];
MathArrays.shuffle(targetPackage, random);
for (int sourceNode = allExternalArcs = 0; sourceNode < numFuncs; sourceNode++) {
final int externalOutdegree = externalArcs[sourceNode];
for (int t = 0; t < externalOutdegree; t++) {
final int targetNode = td[targetPackage[allExternalArcs + t]].sample(random) - 1;
source2Targets[sourcePackage].add(new int[] { sourceNode, targetPackage[allExternalArcs + t], targetNode });
allExternalArcs += externalOutdegree;
private static String graph2String(final CallGraphGenerator callGraphGenerator, final int i, final RandomGenerator randomGenerator) {
final ArrayListMutableGraph g = callGraphGenerator.rcgs[i];
final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append("\t\"product\": \"graph-" + i + "\",\n");
sb.append("\t\"forge\": \"f\",\n");
sb.append("\t\"generator\": \"OPAL\",\n");
sb.append("\t\"version\": \"1.0\",\n");
sb.append("\t\"timestamp\": \"0\",\n");
sb.append("\t\"depset\": [\n\t\t");
// All generated DNFs are singletons
for(final IntIterator d = callGraphGenerator.deps[i].iterator(); d.hasNext(); ) {
sb.append( "[{ \"forge\": \"f\", \"product\": \"graph-" + d.nextInt() + "\", \"constraints\": [\"[1.0]\"] }]");
if (d.hasNext()) sb.append(", ");
sb.append("\t\"cha\": {\n");
for (int jj = 0; jj < g.numNodes() / 3; jj++) {
sb.append("\t\t\"/p" + i + "/A" + jj + "\": {\n");
sb.append("\t\t\t\"methods\": {\n");
for (int j = 3 * jj; j < 3 * jj + 3 && j < g.numNodes(); j++) {
sb.append("\t\t\t\t\"" + j + "\": \"/p" + i + "/A" + jj + ".f" + j + "()v\"");
if (j < 3 * jj + 2 && j < g.numNodes() + 1) sb.append(",");
sb.append("\t\t\t\"superInterfaces\": [],\n");
sb.append("\t\t\t\"sourceFile\": \"A" + jj + ".java\",\n");
sb.append("\t\t\t\"superClasses\": [\"/java.lang/Object\"]\n");
if (jj < g.numNodes() / 3 - 1) sb.append(",");
sb.append("\t\"graph\": {\n");
// Internal calls
sb.append("\t\t\"internalCalls\": [\n");
final ObjectArrayList<String> lines = new ObjectArrayList<>(); // Graph lines
for(int j = 0; j < g.numNodes(); j++) {
for(final IntIterator s = g.successors(j); s.hasNext();)
lines.add("\t\t\t[\n\t\t\t\t" + callGraphGenerator.nodePermutation[i][j] + ",\n\t\t\t\t" + callGraphGenerator.nodePermutation[i][s.nextInt()] + "\n\t\t\t]");
Collections.shuffle(lines, new Random(randomGenerator.nextLong())); // Permute graph lines
for (int j = 0; j < lines.size(); j++) {
if (j < lines.size() - 1) sb.append(",");
// External calls
sb.append("\t\t\"externalCalls\": [\n");
for(final int[] t: callGraphGenerator.source2Targets[i]) {
lines.add("\t\t\t[\n\t\t\t\t\"" + callGraphGenerator.nodePermutation[i][t[0]] + "\",\n\t\t\t\t\"/p" + t[1] + "/A"+ callGraphGenerator.nodePermutation[t[1]][t[2]] / 3 + ".f" + callGraphGenerator.nodePermutation[t[1]][t[2]] +"()v\",\n"
+ "\t\t\t\t{\"invokevirtual\": \"1\"}\n"
+ "\t\t\t]");
Collections.shuffle(lines, new Random(randomGenerator.nextLong())); // Permute graph lines
for (int j = 0; j < lines.size(); j++) {
if (j < lines.size() - 1) sb.append(",");
return sb.toString();