* Create a config to be used in the Netflix Cloud.
public static Config createConfig(Config config) {
try {
// We cannot use the libraries layer as the nf-archaius2-platform-bridge
// will delegate the Config binding to archaius1 and the libraries layer
// then wraps that. So anything added to the libraries layer will not get
// picked up by anything injecting Config.
// Instead we just create a composite where the injected config will override
// the prop files. If no config binding is present use the environment and
// system properties config.
CompositeConfig cc = new DefaultCompositeConfig(true);
cc.addConfig("ATLAS", loadPropFiles());
cc.addConfig("ENVIRONMENT", EnvironmentConfig.INSTANCE);
cc.addConfig("SYS", SystemConfig.INSTANCE);
if (config != null) {
LOGGER.debug("found injected config, adding as override layer");
cc.addConfig("INJECTED", config);
} else {
LOGGER.debug("no injected config found");
return cc;
} catch (ConfigException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("failed to load atlas config", e);
public EVCacheConfig(PropertyRepository repository) {
PropertyRepository _propertyRepository = null;
if(repository == null) {
try {
final CompositeConfig applicationConfig = new DefaultCompositeConfig(true);
CompositeConfig remoteLayer = new DefaultCompositeConfig(true);
applicationConfig.addConfig("RUNTIME", new DefaultSettableConfig());
applicationConfig.addConfig("REMOTE", remoteLayer);
applicationConfig.addConfig("SYSTEM", SystemConfig.INSTANCE);
applicationConfig.addConfig("ENVIRONMENT", EnvironmentConfig.INSTANCE);
final EVCachePersistedProperties remote = new EVCachePersistedProperties();
remoteLayer.addConfig("remote-1", remote.getPollingDynamicConfig());
_propertyRepository = new DefaultPropertyFactory(applicationConfig);
} catch (Exception e) {
_propertyRepository = new DefaultPropertyFactory(new DefaultCompositeConfig());
} else {
_propertyRepository = repository;
propertyRepository = new EVCachePropertyRepository(_propertyRepository);
//propertyRepository = _propertyRepository;
INSTANCE = this;