* Divide a big queue into memory sortable sub-queues, sort these sub-queues in turn, and
* return a queue with all sorted sub-queues.
* This method is thread safe.
* @param bigQueue the big queue to be sorted
* @param maxInMemSortNumOfItems max number of items that can be sorted in memory in one pass
* @param queueOfSortedQueues queue of sorted sub-queues
* @throws IOException exception thrown if there is IO error during queue making operation.
public static void makeQueueOfSortedQueues(IBigQueue bigQueue, int maxInMemSortNumOfItems, Queue<IBigQueue> queueOfSortedQueues) throws IOException {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
while(true) {
// continously extract items from big queue
byte[] data = bigQueue.dequeue();
if (data != null) {
list.add(new String(data));
// if we get max number of items sortable in memory, then sort them and make a sub-queue
if (list.size() == maxInMemSortNumOfItems || data == null) {
long begin = System.currentTimeMillis();
String[] stringArray = list.toArray(new String[0]);
if (stringArray.length == 0) break;
// sort in memory
String newQueueName = getNextTempQueueName();
IBigQueue newBigQueue = new BigQueueImpl(SAMPLE_DIR, newQueueName);
// make sorted sub-queue
for(String item : stringArray) {
// put the sub-queue into output queue
if (data == null) break;
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
output("Time used to make one sorted queue " + (end - begin) + " ms, maxInMemSortNumOfItems = " + maxInMemSortNumOfItems);
public void setup() throws IOException {
String queueDir = System.getProperty("user.home");
String queueName = "baeldung-queue";
bigQueue = new BigQueueImpl(queueDir, queueName);
static void mergeSort() throws IOException {
MergeSortHelper.output("Single thread sort begin ...");
MergeSortHelper.output("Generating random big queue ...");
IBigQueue srcBigQueue = new BigQueueImpl(MergeSortHelper.SAMPLE_DIR, "srcq");
MergeSortHelper.populateBigQueue(srcBigQueue, maxNumOfItems, itemSize);
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
MergeSortHelper.output("Making queue of sorted queues ...");
Queue<IBigQueue> queueOfSortedQueues = new LinkedList<IBigQueue>();
MergeSortHelper.makeQueueOfSortedQueues(srcBigQueue, maxInMemSortNumOfItems, queueOfSortedQueues);
// have done with source queue, empty it and delete back data files to save disk space
MergeSortHelper.output("Merging and sorting the queues ...");
MergeSortHelper.mergeSort(queueOfSortedQueues, maxMergeSortWays);
long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
MergeSortHelper.output("Mergesort finished.");
MergeSortHelper.output("Time used to sort " + maxNumOfItems + " string items is " + (end - start) + "ms");
MergeSortHelper.output("Item size each is " + itemSize + " bytes");
MergeSortHelper.output("Total size sorted " + (long)(maxNumOfItems * itemSize) / (1024 * 1024) + "MB");
IBigQueue targetSortedQueue = queueOfSortedQueues.poll(); // last and only one is the target sorted queue
MergeSortHelper.output("Validation begin ....");
long targetSize = targetSortedQueue.size();
if(targetSize != maxNumOfItems) {
System.err.println("target queue size is not correct!, target queue size is " + targetSize + " expected queue size is " + maxNumOfItems);
// first sorted item
String previousItem = new String(targetSortedQueue.dequeue());
// put sorted items in a big array so we can binary search it later
// validate the sorted queue at the same time
IBigArray bigArray = new BigArrayImpl(MergeSortHelper.SAMPLE_DIR, "sample_array");
for(int i = 1; i < targetSize; i++) {
String item = new String(targetSortedQueue.dequeue());
if (item.compareTo(previousItem) < 0) {
System.err.println("target queue is not in sorted order!");
previousItem = item;
MergeSortHelper.output("Validation finished.");
// have done with target sorted queue, empty it and delete back data files to save disk space