public InputStream getData() {
try {
var decoded = Base64.decode(;
ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(decoded);
return new GZIPInputStream(bis);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
* Attempt to instantiate an SSH public key from the specified file
* which contains a single public key.
* @param sshPublicKeyFile
* @return RSAPublicKey or DSAPublicKey
* @throws FileNotFoundException key file not found
* @throws IOException if key file not found or key parse failed
* @see RSAPublicKey
* @see DSAPublicKey
public static Object getSSHPublicKey(File sshPublicKeyFile) throws IOException {
BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sshPublicKeyFile));
String keyLine = null;
String line;
while ((line = r.readLine()) != null) {
if (!line.startsWith("ssh-")) {
keyLine = line;
if (keyLine != null) {
String[] pieces = keyLine.split(" ");
if (pieces.length >= 2) {
byte[] pubkeyBytes = Base64.decode(pieces[1].toCharArray());
if ("ssh-rsa".equals(pieces[0])) {
return RSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHRSAPublicKey(pubkeyBytes);
else if ("ssh-dsa".equals(pieces[0])) {
return DSASHA1Verify.decodeSSHDSAPublicKey(pubkeyBytes);
throw new IOException(
"Invalid SSH public key file, valid ssh-rsa or ssh-dsa entry not found: " +
public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
LogonForm logonForm = (LogonForm) form;
// 取得登入的使用者帳號密碼
String userId = logonForm.getUserId();
String password = logonForm.getPassword();
log.debug("LogonForm.UserID=" + userId);
// 建立User Session
IUserSession userSession = ProjectInfoCenter.getInstance().login(userId, password);
String encodedPassword = new String(Base64.encode(password.getBytes()));
// 設定權限資訊
AccessPermissionManager.setupPermission(request, userSession);
// 設定User Session
request.getSession().setAttribute("UserSession", userSession);
// 為了要讓插件中可以使用session的中使用者的密碼,所以將原本利用MD5加密的密碼轉換成利用Base64加密。如此加密的密碼才可逆
request.getSession().setAttribute("passwordForPlugin", encodedPassword);
ProjectLogic projectLogic = new ProjectLogic();
Person person = this.getPerson(userSession.getAccount());
return mapping.findForward(person.getForwardName());