指向一个指针 int
指针可以指向不同的整数,并且int可以通过指针更改。此代码示例将b指向,int b然后将其b值更改为100。
int b;
int* p;
p = &b; /* OK */
*p = 100; /* OK */指向一个指针 const int
int b;
const int* p;
p = &b; /* OK */
*p = 100; /* Compiler Error */const 指向 int
int a, b;
int* const p = &b; /* OK as initialisation, no assignment */
*p = 100; /* OK */
p = &a; /* Compiler Error */
const 指向 const int
int a, b;
const int* const p = &b; /* OK as initialisation, no assignment */
p = &a; /* Compiler Error */
*p = 100; /* Compiler Error */
指向一个指针的指针 int
这段代码将的地址分配p1给double指针p(然后指向)int* p1(指向int)。
然后更改p1为指向int a。然后将a的值更改为100。
void f1(void)
int a, b;
int *p1;
int **p;
p1 = &b; /* OK */
p = &p1; /* OK */
*p = &a; /* OK */
**p = 100; /* OK */
指向a的指针 const int
void f2(void)
int b;
const int *p1;
const int **p;
p = &p1; /* OK */
*p = &b; /* OK */
**p = 100; /* error: assignment of read-only location ‘**p’ */
void f3(void)
int b;
int *p1;
int * const *p;
p = &p1; /* OK */
*p = &b; /* error: assignment of read-only location ‘*p’ */
**p = 100; /* OK */
}const 指向的指针 int
void f4(void)
int b;
int *p1;
int ** const p = &p1; /* OK as initialisation, not assignment */
p = &p1; /* error: assignment of read-only variable ‘p’ */
*p = &b; /* OK */
**p = 100; /* OK */
}指向的const指针const int
void f5(void)
int b;
const int *p1;
const int * const *p;
p = &p1; /* OK */
*p = &b; /* error: assignment of read-only location ‘*p’ */
**p = 100; /* error: assignment of read-only location ‘**p’ */
}const 指向的指针 const int
void f6(void)
int b;
const int *p1;
const int ** const p = &p1; /* OK as initialisation, not assignment */
p = &p1; /* error: assignment of read-only variable ‘p’ */
*p = &b; /* OK */
**p = 100; /* error: assignment of read-only location ‘**p’ */
void f7(void)
int b;
int *p1;
int * const * const p = &p1; /* OK as initialisation, not assignment */
p = &p1; /* error: assignment of read-only variable ‘p’ */
*p = &b; /* error: assignment of read-only location ‘*p’ */
**p = 100; /* OK */