[Let] varname = expression
LSet StatementLeft aligns a string within a string variable, or copies a variable of one user-defined type to another variable of a different user-defined type.
RSet Statement
Right aligns a string within a string variable.
Sub Main() Dim url As String Dim s As String Let url = "https://www.yiidian.com" s = String$(20, "*") LSet s = url Debug.Print s RSet s = url Debug.Print s End Sub
Sub Main() Debug.Print IPToLong("") End SubPrivate Function IPToLong(IPStr As String) As Long Dim Str() As String, HEXStr As String, TempStr As String Dim x As Long Str = Split(IPStr, ".") HEXStr = "" For x = 0 To UBound(Str) TempStr = Hex(Str(x)) HEXStr = HEXStr & String(2 - Len(TempStr), "0") & TempStr Next x IPToLong = CLng("&H" & HEXStr) End Function
Private Type myBytes B1 As Byte B2 As Byte B3 As Byte B4 As Byte End TypePrivate Type myLong Val As Long End Type
'By Demon 'http://jb51.net
Public Function IP2Long(ip As String) As Long Dim a() As String Dim b As myBytes Dim l As myLong a = Split(ip, ".") '注意Little-Endian b.B1 = CByte(a(3)) b.B2 = CByte(a(2)) b.B3 = CByte(a(1)) b.B4 = CByte(a(0)) LSet l = b IP2Long = l.Val End Function
00401A0E lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x20] ; 变量b的地址 00401A11 push eax 00401A12 lea eax, dword ptr [ebp-0x14] ; 变量l的地址 00401A15 push eax 00401A16 push 0x4 00401A18 call __vbaCopyBytes ; jmp to MSVBVM60.__vbaCopyBytes
72A1A0F3 > mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+0x4] 72A1A0F7 push esi 72A1A0F8 mov esi, dword ptr [esp+0x10] 72A1A0FC push edi 72A1A0FD mov edi, dword ptr [esp+0x10] 72A1A101 mov eax, ecx 72A1A103 mov edx, edi 72A1A105 shr ecx, 0x2 72A1A108 rep movs dword ptr es:[edi], dword ptr [esi] 72A1A10A mov ecx, eax 72A1A10C mov eax, edx 72A1A10E and ecx, 0x3 72A1A111 rep movs byte ptr es:[edi], byte ptr [esi] 72A1A113 pop edi 72A1A114 pop esi 72A1A115 retn 0xC
Warning Using LSet to copy a variable of one user-defined type into a variable of a different user-defined type is not recommended. Copying data of one data type into space reserved for a different data type can cause unpredictable results.When you copy a variable from one user-defined type to another, the binary data from one variable is copied into the memory space of the other, without regard for the data types specified for the elements.